Deciding Happy = Head or Heart?

Whoever started the trend to always “be happy”? like actually, who sat down and decided that everyone, everything everybody every nothing were supposed to just unite in a uniformed happiness? As if we all can anyway. I imagine how exhausting it would be to live as you do on Instagram. Always trying to get the…

The Sexting Series: Prologue

It was an over confident day to say the least- wrapped in the air of teenage hormones. the illusion of a Brittney spears music video, and the looming scent of freedom (mom hated candles (I know, right? What an extra-terrestrial. So I’d have to light my most flagrant ones when Miss. Hannigan wasn’t home. (jk…

To Be A “Bad” Friend is Sometimes A “Good” Thing

We all know and have a friend with which something is always happening. Not just something but some serious shit… Weekly Daily Sometimes multiple times a day But who’s counting right? Me. We. I am. We are. The ones that are having to empty our time, purses and/or pockets in search for the last tissue…

Wear Confidence

You know the part in Napoleon Dynamite when Jon Heder, Napoleon, goes “Tina you fat lard come get some dinner.”? He was talking to me. I am Tina. Tina is me. unlike llama Tina, however, nobody has to ask me twice. You say food and I’m there at least when I haven’t taken my Adderall (zombie…

To Go Out or to Not Go Out… THAT is the Question

Here I am… makeup-free, no fucks given and any self-esteem I once had has flown not just south but into the Bermuda Triangle for the winter. Suddenly the pity party comes to a screeching halt when an invitation is extended via cyberspace. “Hey what’re you doing tonight? Let’s go out!” Bun intact, heated blanket already…